Archive for the ‘birthdays’ Category

Happy birthday Katie!

Friday, July 1st wuz my sister, Katie’s, fourth birfday. She is a Doberman Pinscher. Dat’s a dog dat looks like me but has weally long legs. Jest tink, I cud be a short Doberman Pinscher. Ha!

Anyways, I thought it might be nice if I tol Katie’s birth story. See, I wuz almost 4 yeers ol when Mom brought Katie home. It wuz me an my broder, Grady, who lived here. I wuz in charge, like I always iz, an Mom didn’t even come ask me if I wanted a new puppy! She jest brought it home! Sheesh!

Well, Katie wuz sick. She looked all scrawny an ribs stickin’ out an everyting. I sed, “Mom, take it back! It’z defective! It’z contagious! It looks like it’z gonna croak any minute!” Mom sed, “Shh, Jazzy. This little girl has had a hard life already and we’re going to help her get better and give her a great new home.” I wuz totally disgusted Mom didn’t listen to my advice. But den she explained everyting about Katie. She sed she was born into a little of 12 puppies. Ten of da puppies got Parvo and died. One puppy didn’t get it. An Katie got it, but she survived. Dat wuz whut Mom said tol her she had to take Katie.

See, Mom’s oder Doberman, Tyler, gots parvo wen he wuz a puppy, too. An he survived. So Mom felt like it wuz a sign dat she shud get Katie. Now here’s da ting. See, da lady who had all des puppies…she called Mom up an sed, “I have a pup that you need to look at.” Well, Mom sed no. She cudn’t afford it right now. She didn’t need anoder dog. But da lady sed, “Just come look at her.” So Mom did an ewe nos how dat turned out! Da lady tol Mom she didn’t want no money for her, she wanted to gif Katie to her so she wud haf a good home.

So Katie comes home. She wuz barely bigger dan me! She wuz young an dumb. Grady took one look at her an sed, “Ewe haf got to be kidding me?!” Akshully, it sounded more like, “What the hell….?!” But dis is supposed to be a PG blog, so Mom tol me to cut da rest of da cusswords dat Grady sed.

So Katie fitted right in frum da beginning. I meen, she looked like me an Grady. Had da same colors an all. But boy, wuz she dumb! She runned round like a crazy dog haf da time! She barked at everyting! She ated everyting! Which made Mom haf to spend money ’cause she ated a bunch of tree limbs an it gaf her da runs like nobody’s business! Mom wuz not happy cleanin’ up all dat poo, I can tell ewe that!

She pestered Grady sumthin’ awful! She pestered ME sumthin’ awful! She tried to sleep in my bed! See her in da pikchur! Mom akshully let her do it, too. She sed I had to be nice ’cause Katie had a hard life. Whutever! I had a hard life, too! I meen, I wuz less dan one pound wen I wuz born, I wuz sick, an dey didn’t tink I wud make it either. But Mom seemed to forget all dat! She sed I had to play nice wid Katie an make her feel welcome. I made her feel welcome, all right! I bited her in da patootie every chance I got!

So, I asked Mom, “How did ewe come up wid da name Katie?” She sed it was after her favorite Star Trek character within a character. I wuz like, “Oh, God! Here we go wid da Star Trek stuff again!” See, I wuz named after Jadzia Dax from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Egad! So, I hads to be polite an I sed, “Gee, Mom…tell me da story how ewe named Katie, pweeze?!” I wuz seriously weady to hurl, but figgered I better be nice if I wanted a treat. She said, “Well, Jazzy, I really liked Star Trek Voyager. And I liked the episode when they introduced Fair Haven, a holographic town. One of the characters in it was called ‘Katie O’Clair’ played by Captain Katherine Janeway, who just happened to be played by Kate Mulgrew in real life.” Note dat I am gaggin’ at dis point, but I tried to remain attentive an interested.

I may haf akshully passed out at sum point…

She continued, “So, since I have named all my Dobermans ‘Baron’ as the first part of their name and Grady’s last name was ‘O’Malley’ and that’s rather fitting for the little Irish village of Fair Haven, I’m going to call her Baroness Katie O’Malley. What do you think?”

I pulled myself from my stupor an sed, “Gee, Mom…whut an interesting story! Kan I haf a treat now?” I don’t tink she appreciated my sarcasm at dat point.

So the wittle skinny puppy became Katie. I quickly changed it to Dopey Katie because she acted so dumb on occasion! Plus it has a nice ring to it. Jazzy the Amazing Wiener. Dopey Katie. It’s appropriate!

Grady weally liked Katie, not dat he wud admit it to jest anyone. He tol me ‘cuz we wuz tight. He sed, “Ewe no, Jazz, I weally do kinda like da wittle whippersnapper.” Well, whut he akshully sed was, “Jazz, Katie is a pain in the ass, but I think she’ll turn out to be an okay Dobe. Continue the family line and all.” Again, Mom tol me to keep it kleen, so I bleeped out all da bad words!

Katie growed up to be a weally nice dog an I jest don’t say dat ’cause she’s like a hunnerd times bigger dan me. She donut let anyone mess wid me. She takes weally good care of me. Like, da oder day, Maggie Monster an Big Head (dat’s Xena the Pit Bull) were startin’ to play weally crazy on da couch in da living room. Katie wuz layin’ by Mom an she saw me headin’ towards da livin’ room. She growled at me an dat’s her way of tellin’ me it’z not safe in da living room. At first, Mom wud get onto her for doing it ‘cuz she thought Katie wuz beeing meen to me. But Mom finally figgered out dat wuz Katie’s way of warning me off ‘cuz she only did it when de oder girls were playin’ ruff. Dat’s purty smart, if ewe ask me. But if ewe tell her I sed she wuz smart, I will deny it forever! For a Doberman, however, she iz a purty smart dog. A heck of a lot smarter dan Maggie Monster an Big Head!

Katie gots into da modeling bidness wid me for Mom’s TylerDog Pet Greeting Cards. But I had to show her da ropes. I tol her, “See, Katie, ewe gots to wurk it like this. Refuse to pose until ewe get da treat. If ewe pose first, she will make ewe do all kinds of stuff before ewe ever get one stinkin’ treat!” Katie didn’t belief me at first, but den she saw how Mom wuz, so she tried it. But dat dumb Doberman wants to pweeze Mom so bad, she almost always furgets an doesn’t get as many treats as I do.

I also had to tell Katie, “Look. Ewe may be da new kid on da block, but I am da reigning sales queen at TylerDog. So, don’t tink jest ’cause ewe are a cute puppy an all dat ewe will take over my spot!” Da first yeer dat Mom sold Katie’s cards, she did purty good, but I still sold more dan she did. Now everytime Mom has a photo shoot, we fight to see who gets on da table first. It’s not fair ‘cuz Katie jumps up der an I can’t quite jump dat far! I tol her, “Next time ewe jump in front of me, ewe big dopey Doberman, I’m gonna bite ur foot off!” I even posted a blog entry showing how meen she kan be! Oh, wait…maybe dat wuz me beeing meen an baring my teeth. Well, nevermind!

So, anyway, happy birthday Dopey….uh…sweet Katie. I wish ewe many, many more!

Jazzy the Amazing Wiener


Happy Birthday, Grady, I miss you!

Hey, all ewe wiener lovers! Okay, first ting ewe might notice is I’m typin’ like I normally tweet! Whut does dis meen for all my loyal readers? Well, it meens my spellin’ an grammar ain’t too good. Mom an I had a weally long diskussion about it and although she tinks dat I shud spell my stuff right, I told her, “Mom, look…my fans like da way I talk, so ewe jest need to get ofer urself and let me type like I want!” She jest shook her hed at me and sighed. She does dat a lot!

I nos I promised more about my birth story, but today I wanna talk about my big brother, Grady. Today is his birfday an he wud haf been 11 years old. Yeah, dat meens he’s gone on to da Rainbow Bridge last year. I miss him oh so much an I know Mom does, too. He was my giant bubby, so I’m gonna tell ewe a wittle bit about him…

Baron Grady O’Malley (Grady)

Grady was a weally big Doberman Pinscher who weighed, like, I dunno, maybe like a thousand pounds! Well, maybe not dat much, but he was weally big, like 138! Wen I met Grady, I was a wittle whippersnapper an only wayed like, not even a pound! I went up to him, sniffed him weally good, and ewe no whut he did?! He was skeered! Seeriously, the big galoob was skeered to death of me! Don’t belief me? Look at dis pikchur!

Grady cryin’ for his Momma!

I hadn’t even dun nothin’ when he started cryin’ like a big baby! I had to tell Mom, “Look, mom, all I did was sit by him and he started crying ‘she’s touchin’ me! she’s touchin’ me!’ I weally didn’t hurt him, I promise!” I tink dat was da beginning of Mom’s sighs wid me an all…

So, wight afer dat happened, I sed, “Look, big guy, I promise I’m not gonna hurt ewe. I jest wanna get one ting straight, okay?” He looked at me wid dos big brown eyes, an sed, “Let me guess…ur in charge?” I toll him, “Wow, ur weally smart for a Doberman!” He jest sighed weally big, too. I dunno how come everyone sighs around me so much!

Coming to an understanding

Later, he toll me dat his older broder, Tyler, used to be in charge, so he was used to it. Grady never was one to care who was in charge, jest so long as someone was in charge of fillin’ da food bowl!

My big broder, Grady, was a weally awesome dog. When I was wittle bitty, he wud let me take da toys away frum him, even tho I nos he cud prolly eat me wid one bite! He never, ever, ever even growled at me, even tho I was sumtimes meen to him. I wud snap and snarl, an even twied to hump his leg a few times! I dunno if dogs roll der eyes, but I figger Grady prolly rolled his a time or two wid me when I was a silly little wiener puppy!

Da thing dat I loved about Grady more dan anything in da world is dat he wud let me sleep on him! I wud crawl up on him, snuggle in, and he never made me move ever! Once, he was weally tired and rolled over on me. I guess he thought dat since I always slept on him, he cud on me, too. Well, while it mite haf been a photo op for mom, it did kinda squish me! Jest look…I’m a wittle freaked out!

Best friends

Aktually, I was okay until he snored. Geez louise! Talk about rattle da rafters! Mom took tons of pikchurs, den made dis one into a pet greeting card for TylerDog Cards. I tink it’s my favorite card of all time ’cause it has my bubby an me on it.

After havin’ him in my life for five whole yeers, my sweet broder, Grady, died last year at da age of 9 yeers old. Der isn’t a day dat goes by dat I don’t tink of him. I miss how he used to let me sit between his paws an chew on him. An I miss how he wud always go outside wid me to make sure nothin’ ever got me. I miss how he wud come running if I ever barked, jest to make sure everything was all wight. An I weally miss how we used to sing wen da fire trucks went by…boy, were we ever a doo-et! I guess, wen it’s all sed an done, I jest miss my big brother.

Rest in peace, sweet Grady. I love ewe…

Baron Grady O’Malley
August 4, 1998 ~ May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Hey, all you wiener lovers! I know I promised my birth story next, but much to my chagrin, I forgot that today is Katie’s birthday and she’s a whole two years old! Now, for those of you who don’t know Katie, well, Katie is my sister, a Doberman Pinscher (I told you I had a weird family story coming!). Mom brought her home two years ago and, while I didn’t mind at the time because she was little, well, I sorta mind now. It’s not that she’s that bad, to be honest. It’s just that I get really tired of her sticking my head down her throat! It’s like she’s measuring me for a hat with her mouth. Sheesh!

Anyway, when Mom first brought her home, she really was kinda cute. She played with me a lot and slept in my bed. Even now, if I lie down, she wants to sleep in my bed. What a baby! You’d think, her being a big, tough Doberman Pinscher, she’d act like it. No, not Katie! She’s a wiener, and not in a good way like me! She’s a pain in my patootie!

I mean, I can’t go anywhere without Katie wanting to go. Gotta go pee? Katie comes to sniff. Gotta go poo? Katie comes to sniff. What?! Is she demented or something?! It’s not like I go around sniffing her business, ya know! Sometimes, I just wanna go out and be a big girl dog, for cryin’ out loud, without my little sister tagging along! I can’t even meet the cute dog down the street without Katie nosing in, wanting to know what’s going on and what I’m doing!

Oh, and get this! By now, most of you know I star in my Momma’s greeting card line, TylerDog Cards. I’m like a major star, probably bigger than Oprah. Well, maybe not Oprah, but at least as big as Rachael Ray! So, like I’m a star. And I know how to pose. I wrote the book on posing for dog photography! And what does Katie do? She thinks that because she’s new, she should get top billing! The minute Mom turns on the lights, Katie jumps up on the posing table, thinking she’s the one who should be having her picture taken!

Well, this last time Mom set-up the lights, I let her have it! I’d already put up with enough of her prima donna ways, so when Mom put me on the table and Katie thought she should be up there, too, I really let her have it. Just look below to see my response…

Aren’t my teeth pretty?! I tell you, I let her know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was my turn and she needed to get off of my posing table! Needless to say, Mom had to intervene because Katie, the big crybaby, whined and cried. Geez! What a big baby!

Oh, wait…this was supposed to be a birthday tribute, right?

Well, I guess, when it’s all said and done, I actually do sorta like Katie. She reminds me a little bit of my big brother, Grady, whom I will tell you about in coming posts. And Katie does love me. She’s just young and stupid sometimes, like we all can be. Well, not me, but you know, everyone else. 🙂

And on that note, I suppose I should say, “Happy birthday, Katie! I love you!”
