Archive for December, 2011

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Mele Kalikimaka!

Hey, all ewe wiener lovers! I iz back! I  tol myself, “Jazzy, ewe haf been weally bad about not updatin’ ur blog. All ewe do is stay on Facebook all da time! So whut if der are 800 million peeple on Facebook?! Maybe der are one or two who aren’t an ewe shud make sure to update ur blog for dos one or two peeps!” So, dat’s whut I’m doing. For da two peeple in da hole wide world dat aren’t on Facebook an donut follow me der, dis blog post is for ewe!

Merry Christmas from Jazzy the Amazing Wiener

On wid da show…!

It seems dat Christmas is fast approaching. For sum of us, dat’s a happy time, for oders, not so much. I wuz tellin’ Mom da oder day, “Ewe nos, Mom, der are still a lot of peeple dat donut haf jobs. An sum of dem donut haf very much money. Whut does dat meen for der wittle kids for Christmas?”

She tol me, “Well, Jazzy, it means for some folks Christmas isn’t going to be much fun. Sure, us older folks don’t care as much about gifts and stuff. But for the little kids, it’s going to be a sad time if there aren’t any presents under the tree.”

Mom wen on to tell me a story dat about my Great Grandpa. I never meeted my Great Grandpa, but frum whut I heer, he was an all right guy. Mom said, “You know, Jazzy, it’s not always about toys and presents. I remember when I was little, Grandpa told us a story. We were sitting down to Christmas dinner. The table was loaded full of food. It all smelled and looked so good, our mouths were watering! Then Grandpa said, with his voice breaking, ‘You know, I remember we were so poor, all we had for one Christmas was a ’possum that Dad went out and killed for us. And now, I look at all this food, and all of you sitting around this table, and I thank God for it. Yet I still remember that possum.’

Mom sed der wusn’t a dry eye at da table wen he tol dat story. I wuz a wittle puzzled ‘cuz I didn’t get it. So I asked her to explain.

“Whut did he meen dat he still remembered dat ’possum, Mom?” I asked her.

She sed, “Jazz, what Grandpa meant is even though he was blessed with a table overflowing with food, even though God had blessed him throughout his life and brought him from his poor beginnings, he never forgot where he came from and the ‘gift’ of that ’possum for their meal. He never forgot how blessed he was each and everyday.”

An truth be tol, afer she explained it to me, der wuzn’t a dry eye on dis wiener either!

So I asked her, “Mom, whut can we do for da little kids dat maybe aren’t gonna get any toys or maybe donut haf any food for der Christmas dinner?”

And she sed, “Jazzy, we can make a difference. There are angel trees all around the place with lists of toys and clothes and stuff kids needs. There are food pantries and homeless shelters that desperately need more volunteers this holiday season to help all those who won’t have a nice Christmas like others will. There’s a lot of ways to help, you just have to get out there and find them.”

I tol Mom, “Ewe nos whut, Mom? I tink dat is a gud idea. Maybe whut we shud do is tell people da best gift dey can EVER give anyone is the gift of themselves. The gift of giving. The gift of helping sumone who’s down on der luck. The gift of a smile. Dat donut cost a ting! Dat’s whut we shud do, Mom! Tell people to volunteer an help oders!”

Mom sed she thought dat wuz a gud idea, too. I refrained frum tellin’ her I knowed it wuz a gud idea ‘cuz I thought of it. Figgered I’d better still stay on her gud side until Christmas is over or dat piece of coal might jest end up in my stocking!

So, all ewe wiener peeps, I want ewe to make me a promise. Help someone in dis coming yeer. Volunteer!

But most of all, remember da ’possum.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Jazzy the Amazing Wiener
